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Ingredients –

Cake –
8oz Self raising flour
8oz Caster sugar
8oz Butter
4 eggs
1 teaspoon baking powder
34 drops of Apple Foodie Flavouring

filling –

5oz butter
10oz icing sugar
1-2 tbsp milk
15 drops Custard Foodie Flavouring (adjust to taste)

Method –

1. Preheat oven to 180.c and grease 2 8inch sandwich tins.
2. Mix all ingredients until well mixed. With a electric hand mixer or a wooden spoon. Mixture should be a soft dropping consistency.
3. Divide the mixture evenly between the tins. Smooth the surfaces of the cakes.
4. Place the tins in the oven and bake for 25 minutes. Don’t open the door while they are cooking, check them as they cook now and then.
5. When they look brown and golden on top and are coming away from the edges of the tins they are ready. Remove them and set aside to cool in their tins for 5 minutes. Run a knife around the edges and turn them out onto a cooling rack.
6. Set aside to cool completely.

Filling method –

1. Beat the butter in a large bowl and then add half the icing sugar ( you can do this in a mixer as well).

2. Then add the remanding icing sugar and milk if you need to loosen the mixture.

3. Then mix in the Custard Foodie Flavouring and flavour to taste.